Understanding InnoDB clustered indexes

Some people don’t probably know, but there is a difference between how indexes work in MyISAM and how they work in InnoDB, particularly when talking from the point of view of performance enhancement. Now since, InnoDB is starting to

Tuning InnoDB Configuration

I had earlier written a post on tuning the MySQL server configuration [https://www.ovaistariq.net/358/tuning-mysql-server-settings/] which was more geared towards the MyISAM storage engine. While that is not because I didn’t intend on ignoring InnoDB but

A step by step guide to upgrading to MySQL 5.5

MySQL 5.5 has created a lot of hype and its not just hype, there are major performance enhancements not only in the MySQL server itself but in the newer InnoDB plugin shipped with MySQL 5.5. That’s exactly

How to resize Innodb log files?

Just in case you don’t know resizing Innodb log file is not just simple as changing the value of innodb_log_file_size in the MySQL configuration file. But its even more simpler. Follow the following steps and you

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